Plants That Keep Stink Bugs Away.

Plants That Keep Stink Bugs Away.

Plants That Keep Stink Bugs Away.

When it gets warmer, more insects emerge. For instance, stink bugs are not exactly welcome.

If you step on one, you’ll be plagued by an unpleasant stench for up to an hour. How can you get rid of stink bugs?

The best technique to naturally deter stink bugs is to grow vegetation they dislike eating.

Certain plants have inherent defences that can ward off stink bugs.

plants that keep stink bugs away
AHM Articles

These Are Some Examples:

Catnip, thyme, lavender, lemongrass, mint, and rosemary are all examples of common herbs.
Vegetables such as radishes and garlic are examples.
Plants that bloom, such as nasturtiums and chrysanthemums, are referred to as “flowers.”

Some stink bug-fighting plants are as follows.


Catnip is a member of the plant families Nepeta and Cataria. The plant is categorised as a herb, however, it is not consumed by people.

Despite its historical use in treating a wide range of illnesses, it is now widely disregarded in modern medicine. Nonetheless, some people keep this plant in their homes, especially if they have a cat. How come this is the case? Of course, given how much people think about it!

The chemical nepetalactone, found in catnip plants, has an extremely alluring scent and taste to cats. Mosquitoes and other biting insects are put off by its bitter flavor.

Cats, however, find the perfume incredibly alluring, whilst stink bugs, on the other hand, avoid catnip at all costs as the fragrance is too powerful and disagreeable.

Catnip is fantastic since it is simple to grow and requires minimal care.

Keep a watch out for the proliferation of this plant, but keep in mind that it has the potential to become invasive. If this problem isn’t handled, stink bugs are merely one of the countless horticultural difficulties that could develop.


Hundreds of years ago, in China, humans started producing chrysanthemums, which are currently ubiquitous in gardens all over the world.

These late-bloomers come in a wide range of colours, including red, yellow, pink, white, and bicolor. More than a hundred different kinds of chrysanthemums are grown in the United States, and many have built-in resistance against stink bugs.

As these lovely blooms are a natural pesticide, they may be used to discourage other pests.

The pods of chrysanthemum flowers may contain the insect-calming natural compound pyrethrin.

Isolated and used as a natural element, pyrethrin may be found in things like garden pesticides, repellent sprays, and pet shampoos.

Yet its synthetic analogue could be bad for ecosystems. Hence, cultivating chrysanthemums is eco-friendly and deters pests like stink bugs.


Thyme is one of the most versatile herbs in the kitchen. Foods like soups, stews, sauces, and marinades benefit from its fiery flavour. In the eyes of some, it is a must-have for any cook.

There are various distinct varieties of thyme, including lemon, English, and caraway. All of them have a fresh, summertime aroma.

As a result, it effectively deters stink bugs.

The thyme in your kitchen is another herb that may thrive with no effort on your part. It’s hardy and adaptable, doing well in either a garden or a pot.

It’s not going to take over your garden, so feel free to place it close to your tomatoes, cabbage, or anything else that attracts stink bugs.


Whether or not you like the flavour of garlic, you can’t deny that it has a strong odour. Strangely enough, such powerful odours are overwhelming for stink bugs.

For this reason, they are never grown with garlic in a garden.

However, you don’t have to keep a garden to eliminate these unwanted guests. Garlic plants may also be kept on the balcony, provided they are in pots.

It’s possible to reduce the number of plants needed. Now the stink bugs have been eradicated, you can once again utilise fresh garlic in your meals.

Because of how slowly it develops, you only need around 15 cloves of garlic every year to cultivate a container crop of garlic.



Radishes are only one example of a plant with a uniquely pungent scent. It rules them out of consideration for the top 10 most popular vegetables of all time. Methanethiol is the molecule responsible for the smell of radishes.

It is possible to detect this gas in plant tissues and is a byproduct of plant decomposition in marshes. A gasoline leak was alleged to be the cause of the devastation seen in a nearby radish crop.

If you don’t like how radishes taste, you might not like their aroma, and vice versa. What else, though, do you know they despise just as much? Pests that give off a foul odour.

Possessing alternatives to a stink bug infestation is beneficial. A stinky garden is often the best defence against these pests.

You can satisfy not just one, but two desires with these leafy greens. Radishes, which are among the quickest-growing veggies, do well even in limited places.

Therefore, you can eat this vegetable as soon as it is ripe so long as you do so in a calm, sunny location.


In addition to its use in alternative medicine, lavender is also widely used in the cosmetics and culinary industries. Lavender is a well-liked plant for use in landscaping due to its visually appealing form and pleasantly aromatic foliage.

With a few noteworthy exceptions, most people find the scent of lavender relaxing. But rodents dislike it. To keep the moths out of the cupboards, we spray ourselves with mosquito repellent and use lavender sachets.

The aroma of this purple shrub is supposed to be repulsive, by the way. Stink bugs, you read correctly.

Lavender plants are far preferable to lavender essential oils or dried lavender. It’s a great addition to any outside area because it looks nice and smells good.

It might be housed indoors if it receives adequate sunshine. A south-facing window is essential.


Marigolds are tiny, brightly coloured flowers that are commonly grown in American gardens.

They expanded from their original home in the Americas to every continent.

There is a wide range of marigold colours available, from pure white to deep scarlet with maroon overtones. The marigold epitomises the fall season more than any other bloom.

Marigolds may provide more to your garden than simply colour. Certain pests, such as stink bugs, may be repelled by their strong odour.

For this reason, many plants, such as tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, potatoes, and tobacco, are cultivated in close proximity to one another.

Beneficial pollinators like butterflies and bumblebees can be attracted to your yard by planting these flowers.

Marigolds thrive with minimal care and may be grown successfully even by inexperienced gardeners. Plant them in pots and place them in a sunny location, such as a patio or a window sill.

These flowers require well-drained soil and at least six hours of sunlight daily. In exchange, they’ll make you happy by protecting your home from stink bugs.


You’ve undoubtedly heard of the plant citronella before. You’ve probably heard of using citronella candles or spirals to ward off mosquitoes. Citronella candle oil is extracted from lemongrass plants.

This plant’s origin is Sri Lanka, however, it has since spread all across the world. In Asia, lemongrass is commonly used in cooking and tea.

Lemongrass’s aroma is a medley of mint, citrus, and other bright, clean herbs. Really efficient. The plant is safe since the stink bug won’t eat it.

The property of lemongrass to repel insects is only one of several reasons why it is cultivated.

It’s possible that this plant has a vast variety of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. It also contains antimicrobial and antifungal chemicals.

Tea made from lemongrass can help with various gastrointestinal problems, including vomiting, nausea, and constipation.

Similarly to mint, lemongrass requires minimal work to cultivate. Lemongrass is vulnerable only to frost, so you may start planting it in the spring if you’re confident there won’t be any freezes this winter.

Its aesthetic attractiveness is comparable to that of other grasses, but when compared to other potential garden plants, it clearly comes out on top.


Mint may be the most extensively cultivated plant, yet stink bugs avoid the sage family. This is to be anticipated, given the powerful aroma of this plant.

Insects don’t bother mint, peppermint, apple mint, or any other kind of mint.

Thus, mint is an excellent secondary herb. Plant it next to your food garden to keep the pests away. But that’s only part of the picture.

These fragrant flowers not only smell nice, but they also bring in the right kind of pollinators for your garden.

Growing mint in pots has several advantages, including making your environment less inviting to pests. Tea, mojitos, pesto, and even a minty bubble bath could all use some mint. There is a wide variety of conceivable permutations.

One of the mint’s finest features is how simple it is to cultivate. in the yard, indoor pots, or the great outdoors. It’s possible to cultivate it with only a pint of water. Give it enough light every day, and it will flourish.


Rosemary, originally from the Mediterranean, was brought to North America by the first European settlers.

They broke ground for the rest of us to follow in our admiration of this beautiful flower. Rosemary is an essential herb because it’s used in so many recipes.

Stink bugs hate its distinctive and strong smell. Since other pest insects share same distaste for rosemary, your garden will be mostly pest-free.

If you live in a warmer section of the United States where winter temperatures seldom dip below zero, you may grow a magnificent, huge rosemary bush in your yard.

You can protect it from frost by growing it in pots and putting them in warmer locations.


Multicolored blossoms cover the perennial plant known as the nasturtium. Climbing and bushy varieties may both enhance a garden’s aesthetic value.

They may also be found there rather frequently. Nasturtiums are a favourite companion plant because they deter insects, especially stink bugs.

Yet, bees are immune to the effects. On the other hand, these blooms draw in honeybees.

Nasturtiums thrive in containers, so there’s no need for a garden. Because of their adaptability, they do well even in restricted environments like window boxes and against walls.

A gorgeous, inviting appearance is yours for the taking if you provide them with appropriate water and sunlight.

The Final Word

When it comes to the primary tool in your arsenal for killing stink bugs, you may choose from a number of different options. Strong-smelling plants like garlic and rosemary can be used to discourage these insects.

Nevertheless, several of these plants are well-documented allergies, so use caution. Therefore, before you go out and buy a bunch of houseplants, think about how you’ll feel around them.

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