How to Deal With Common Toddler Tantrums

How to Deal With Common Toddler Tantrums

Parenting toddlers can be an emotional rollercoaster, and one of the most typical and difficult components is coping with their tantrums. In this post, we’ll go over what toddler tantrums are, why they happen, and how to deal with them graciously. We’ll look at typical tantrum causes, preventative techniques, and, most crucially, what to do when the inevitable outburst happens.

What Are Toddler Tantrums?

Toddler tantrums are toddlers’ dramatic and emotionally charged outbursts when they are overwhelmed or upset. The flailing limbs, scarlet cheeks, and loud cries are all part of the toddler tantrum package. Understanding why these outbursts occur is the first step towards properly dealing with them.

Why Do Toddlers Have Tantrums?

Tantrums are common among toddlers since their emotional management abilities are still developing. Their capacity to manage their emotions is still developing, and tantrums are a method for them to vent feelings they can’t yet control.

Common Triggers for Tantrums

Let’s look at some of the most typical causes of these eruptions. Toddlers who are hungry or exhausted are like ticking time bombs. A toddler’s annoyance might originate from not receiving what they desire, whether it’s a toy, a snack, or a later bedtime. And don’t forget the all-powerful “No” – just saying it may set off a tantrum faster than you can say it.

How to Prevent Tantrums from Happening in the First Place

Tantrums cannot always be avoided, but there are tactics you may use to limit their frequency. Setting routines, providing options, and ensuring your kid gets adequate sleep are all positive steps.

What to Do When a Tantrum Does Happen

common toddler tantrums

Understanding and Accepting Your Child’s Anger

Toddlers, those lovely bundles of energy and curiosity, are still trying to figure out their surroundings. Emotions are one of the ways people traverse this new landscape. However, because they are still in the early phases of emotional development, they may find it difficult to communicate their sentiments in a socially acceptable manner. This conflict frequently results in tantrums, and as parents, it is critical to understand and embrace your child’s rage during these difficult times.

When your child is having a tantrum, you must avoid two classic pitfalls: screaming and punishment. While yelling is a normal reaction to irritation, it is rarely beneficial. Raising your voice, on the other hand, might exacerbate the issue, giving your child even more discomfort. Take a deep breath and attempt to remain calm instead.

It’s important to understand that tantrums aren’t about resistance; they’re about your child’s inability to express their overwhelming emotions appropriately. In many circumstances, they don’t even realise why they’re unhappy. Understanding this allows you to respond more compassionately.

Encourage your child to recognise and share their feelings as one method to build understanding. Even if they cannot express their feelings vocally, you may assist them by using basic language. For example, you may remark, “I see you’re upset right now. Could you show me how you’re feeling? “Can you tell me what’s bothering you with your words?”

This technique not only acknowledges your child’s emotions, but also teaches them how to define and express them, which is an important stage in emotional growth. They will become more competent to convey their wants and feelings as they develop, minimising the frequency of tantrums.

Empathising with your child’s feelings is another technique to build understanding. “I understand your frustration because you wanted the blue cup, not the red one,” you may say. It’s upsetting when things don’t go as planned.” Even if their request appears simple to you, this helps your child feel heard and valued.

During a tantrum, your child may display physical violence, such as punching or kicking. It is critical in these situations to make it plain that such behaviour is not acceptable. Instead than using punishment, focus on redirection and teaching alternatives. For example, you may respond, “I understand you’re upset, but we don’t hit.” Instead of stomping your feet, you may squeeze this stress ball.”

To summarise, coping with your toddler’s tantrum fury requires a careful mix of preserving your own composure, developing empathy, and helping them towards more constructive methods of expressing their feelings. Remember that tantrums are a normal part of their growth, and by responding with empathy and compassion, you may help them get through this difficult stage. This comprehension and acceptance will not only reduce tantrums, but will also create the groundwork for better emotional control in the future.

Finding a Distraction

Toddlers are a bundle of energy and wonder. They’re like miniature explorers in a vast universe, always on the lookout for new experiences and discoveries. While unlimited curiosity is admirable, it may often lead to irritation and tantrums when things don’t go as planned. That’s when the art of distraction comes into play, and it can save parents’ lives.

Distraction is a parenting hidden weapon capable of defusing a tantrum before it reaches its peak intensity. When you spot the telltale indications of a tantrum forming – the furrowed brow, quivering lower lip, or that certain tone of voice – it’s time to use your distraction talents.

  1. Switch the Focus: Toddlers have extremely short attention spans, which may be used to your advantage during a tantrum. When you notice your child becoming agitated, attempt to divert their focus to something else. Give them a new toy, a brightly coloured picture book, or a musical instrument. A rapid shift in emphasis may be enough to avert the oncoming disaster.
  2. Engage Their Imagination: Toddlers have very active imaginations. You may take advantage of this. Ask them to tell you a tale about their favourite toy or to help them construct a make-believe world. This imaginative diversion can take their attention away from the cause of their aggravation and transport them to a world of limitless possibilities.
  3. Change of Scenery: A simple change of venue may sometimes work wonders. If you’re at home, go to another room. Take a brief walk in a public venue, such as a grocery shop, to investigate a different aisle. The fresh surroundings might be enticing, providing your child with something new to interact with and perhaps distract them from the source of their distress.
  4. Funny Faces and Silly Noises: Your toddler most certainly likes you, and your wacky looks and noises might be really amusing. Make silly faces, make animal sounds, and play peek-a-boo. Laughter is a strong distraction strategy that may quickly change a bad mood into chuckles.
  5. Sensory Distractions: Sensory play is an excellent approach to distract your child’s attention. Allow them to squeeze a stress ball, manipulate textured objects, or play with a sensory bin loaded with grains or water. These tactile sensations can assist your child in relaxing and channelling their emotions into something productive.
  6. Music and Dance: Play their favourite song and invite them to dance. Music has the amazing capacity to influence people’s moods. The mix of movement and rhythm might redirect their attention away from their aggravation and towards the delight of the moment.

Remember that the secret to an effective distraction is to respond fast and enthusiastically. Your proposal should be fascinating and appealing to your child. By providing an alternate topic that captures their attention, you effectively diffuse the tantrum and allow them to reset their emotional state. You’ll become a distraction expert over time, and you’ll be shocked at how well this method can help you navigate the difficult seas of toddlerhood.

Waiting for It to Stop

Parenting is full of hurdles, and one of the most trying times is when your toddler is having a full-fledged tantrum. Despite your best attempts to comprehend and divert, there are moments when there is nothing you can do except wait. Waiting for the tantrum to end may be extremely unpleasant and sometimes sad, but it is an unavoidable part of parenthood.

The Safe Space

When you notice your child is having a tantrum, the first thing you should do is make sure they are in a secure area. This includes getting rid of any possible risks or sharp items in their close vicinity. Make sure they don’t injure themselves during their outburst. If you are at home, their bedroom or playroom may be appropriate safe areas. If they are out in public, try to locate a quiet nook or a less busy spot where they may express themselves without the extra stress of observers.

Comfort and Support

When your child is in a secure place, accompany them. Provide comfort and support. During these stressful times, your presence might provide comfort. You may not be able to halt the tantrum, but you can let your child know that you are always there for them.

You may comfort them by saying things like, “I’m right here with you,” or “It’s okay to be upset.” Avoid chastising or publicly humiliating them. Remember that your child is struggling to cope with their feelings and that they require your empathy rather than your judgement.

Avoid Reasoning During the Tantrum

Trying to reason with their child is a typical error that parents make during tantrums. This is usually useless since youngsters are typically too overwhelmed to understand sensible arguments when having a tantrum. Trying to reason with the child may aggravate the issue or prolong the tantrum.

Instead, preserve your logic for a later time. After your child has calmed down and the tantrum has ended, kindly address what occurred. You can ask questions such as, “Can you tell me why you got so upset?” or “How can we handle this situation better the next time?” This enables your child to reflect on their feelings when they are in a better mental condition.

The Importance of Waiting

It’s not simple to wait for a tantrum to end. It can be emotionally taxing and even humiliating, particularly when done in public. It is, nonetheless, an important element of teaching your child emotional management. Allowing children to feel and process their emotions teaches them how to control their emotions in a healthy way.

Remember that this period, like all others in parenting, will pass. Tantrums will become less frequent and less powerful as your child matures and learns stronger coping methods. Meanwhile, your patience, presence, and readiness to allow them to express their feelings can help them develop emotional intelligence and resilience.

Waiting for a tantrum to end is an act of love, an investment in your child’s emotional growth, and an acceptance that sometimes all we can do is be there for them, even in their most difficult moments.

Not Changing Your Mind

Consistency is a key tenet in parenting, and it is especially important when dealing with toddler tantrums. This section discusses why not altering your opinion during a tantrum is important and how it helps your child’s emotional development.

The Power of Consistency

Toddlers are highly skilled at pushing the boundaries. They want to explore how far they can push the boundaries, and tantrums are frequently a method they employ to do this. Setting consistent limits and sticking to your decisions as a parent is critical, even in the face of a tantrum.

When you give in to a child’s tantrum demands, you unintentionally teach them that tantrums are an efficient means of getting what they want. This lesson can have long-term effects since it not only encourages more tantrums but also impairs your child’s capacity to acquire self-control and adapt to rules.

Avoid the Power Struggle

Toddlers are also notorious for their obstinacy. When they detect a break in your determination during a tantrum, it frequently leads to a power struggle. They’ll see it as a chance to demonstrate their authority and challenge yours. This can start a cycle in which tantrums become your child’s go-to approach and it gets progressively difficult to regulate their behaviour.

By remaining consistent in your judgements, you give a clear message that tantrums are not a successful strategy. Your child learns that you are firm in your rules and expectations as a parent. This might provide them comfort since it creates a feeling of regularity and order in their life.

Resist the Guilt

It’s normal for a parent to feel guilty when their child is having a tantrum. You may be wondering if you’re being too severe or if there’s another way to make the situation more bearable. Setting limits and preserving consistency, on the other hand, is a sort of love and direction. You are preparing your child to navigate the world and build important life skills.

When you feel guilty, remind yourself that you’re teaching your child emotional regulation and that they can’t always have everything they want. These lessons will benefit children in the long term as kids develop into robust, well-adjusted individuals.

Staying Calm in the Storm

Consistency during a tantrum might be extremely difficult, but it is essential for your child’s growth. To accomplish this properly, you must also maintain your cool. Your child looks to you for direction and comfort, and your calm demeanour can assist them in controlling their emotions.

Remember that consistency does not imply rigidity or inflexibility. It’s all about setting clear, acceptable boundaries that promote your child’s growth and development. It’s about educating children that, while tantrums are a phase, there are other ways to communicate their wants and feelings.

Common Types of Tantrums

Toddlers are experts at expressing their feelings, and their tantrums may take many forms. Understanding the many sorts of tantrums and how to properly address them is a crucial skill for parents.

1. Drop Attacks

Drop attacks are spectacular outbursts in which a toddler seems to become limp and collapse, usually on the floor. These might be frightening to behold, but they are generally a reaction to irritation or not receiving what they want.

How to Handle Drop Attacks:

  • Ensure their safety: Make sure there are no sharp objects or hard surfaces nearby that could harm them.
  • Offer a soft landing spot: If possible, guide them to a carpeted or padded area.
  • Wait it out: Like other tantrums, drop attacks are best handled by providing a safe space and offering comfort while waiting for the storm to pass.

2. Breath-Holding

When toddlers are frustrated or angry, they may hold their breath, which can cause brief colour changes, frequently colouring their faces blue.

How to Handle Breath-Holding Tantrums:

  • Ensure their safety: Check that your child is not in any position where they could fall and hurt themselves during the breath-holding episode.
  • Stay calm: It can be scary to see your child holding their breath, but remember that they will eventually start breathing again. Avoid panicking.
  • Offer a distraction: After the breath-holding episode, engage them in a distracting and soothing activity.

3. Screaming Tantrums

Screaming tantrums are commonly associated with toddler tantrums; they are loud, furious, and frequently accompanied by kicking and flailing.

How to Handle Screaming Tantrums:

  • Protect their hearing: Loud screaming can be unsettling for both you and your child. If possible, move to a quieter space to reduce the noise’s impact.
  • Stay calm: Maintain your composure and focus on ensuring their safety.
  • Use distraction or alternative communication: Offer a soft toy or a calming sensory activity to help them channel their emotions into a more constructive outlet.

4. Hitting and Biting Tantrums

Physical aggressiveness, such as striking, kicking, or biting, is another type of tantrum that can be difficult for parents to deal with.

How to Handle Physical Aggression Tantrums:

  • Keep yourself and your child safe: Gently hold their hands to prevent them from hitting or biting you or others.
  • Teach alternatives: Once the tantrum has subsided, talk with your child about why hitting or biting is not okay. Teach them alternative ways to express their anger or frustration, such as using words or taking deep breaths.
  • Be consistent with consequences: If hitting or biting continues, maintain consistency in your responses, using time-outs or other appropriate consequences.

Although each sort of tantrum has its own set of obstacles, the fundamental concepts of tolerance, understanding, and consistency remain applicable. Your child is learning how to manage their emotions, and you can help them develop appropriate emotional regulation skills by providing a secure and loving atmosphere throughout these tantrums. Remember that tantrums are often a phase that will pass as your child grows and matures.

Tantrums in Public

Tantrums in public may be a genuine difficulty for parents. You must not only control your child’s emotional outbursts, but also negotiate the social demands of the public eye. In this part, we’ll look at tactics for coping with tantrums in public and how to avoid them in the first place.

Dealing with Tantrums in Public:

  1. Stay Calm: Your child picks up on your actions. If you keep your cool, you can help prevent the issue from escalating. Take a deep breath and remind yourself that tantrums are an expected aspect of child development.
  2. Remove to a Quiet Area: If feasible, relocate your child to a less noisy or busy location. This can help to lessen the overstimulation that caused the tantrum in the first place.
  3. Set Clear Expectations: Discuss your expectations with your child before going out in public. Inform them about acceptable and unacceptable behaviour. Use straightforward language that children can comprehend.
  4. Offer Distractions: Bring small toys, books, or snacks to distract your child if a tantrum appears to be on the way. A favourite toy or snack may sometimes work wonders in defusing a crisis.
  5. Use Positive Reinforcement: When your child behaves well in public, praise them. Positive reinforcement might encourage kids to keep up their good behaviour.
  6. Avoid Overstimulation: Pay attention to your child’s overstimulation limitations. If you’re going on a lengthy trip, arrange breaks or quiet time to avoid meltdowns.
  7. Be Prepared: Carry necessary goods such as a change of clothing, food, and other comfort items your child may require. Being prepared for unforeseen scenarios might help you deal with tantrums more effectively.

Preventing Tantrums in Public:

  1. Stick to Routines: Try to keep to your child’s regular routines, including naps and meals, wherever feasible. Tantrums are more prevalent among youngsters who are hungry or exhausted.
  2. Give Choices: Allow your child to make straightforward decisions. You can, for example, ask if they want to wear red or blue shoes or if they want apples or bananas for a snack. Giving them some control might help to alleviate their frustration.
  3. Limit Sugar and Caffeine: Caffeine and sugary foods can both contribute to mood swings in youngsters. Before going out, try to restrict their consumption.
  4. Plan for Transitions: Transitions are typically difficult for children. Let your child know when you’re ready to leave a location and give them a heads-up before you depart.
  5. Model Calm Behavior: Children learn via observation. Model the behaviour you want to see in your child by being calm, expressing yourself verbally, and displaying good problem-solving skills.
  6. Teach Coping Strategies: When your child becomes angry, encourage them to practise easy coping skills such as deep breathing or counting to 10.
  7. Keep Excursions Short: If you’re in a setting where a public tantrum is more likely, such as a protracted shopping excursion, keep your outing as short as possible.

Remember that public tantrums are a normal aspect of parenting, and most people understand this. You are not alone, and many other parents have been in your situation. You can negotiate these difficult situations gracefully and reduce the frequency of public tantrums as your child learns to regulate their emotions by using these tactics.

Helping Your Child Develop Emotional Regulation Skills

Emotional regulation is an important ability that helps youngsters regulate their emotions and express them in a healthy way. Teaching your child how to recognize and manage their emotions is an important life lesson. In this part, we’ll look at how you may help your child acquire these important abilities and have open talks about their feelings.

1. Be an Emotional Role Model:

Because children learn by example, it is critical to model appropriate emotional expression. Discuss your own sentiments, and show your child that it’s normal to feel a variety of emotions. Constructively express your feelings, such as “I felt frustrated when I couldn’t find my keys, but I took a deep breath, and it helped me calm down.”

2. Teach Emotional Vocabulary:

Assist your child in naming their emotions. Encourage children to use words to communicate their emotions. For example, if they’re unhappy, ask, “Are you feeling angry or sad?” This not only helps them comprehend but also successfully communicate their feelings.

3. Validate Their Emotions:

It is critical to acknowledge your child’s sentiments, even if they appear insignificant to you. When your child exhibits an emotion, say something like, “I understand that you’re upset about not getting the toy you wanted.” Validation helps your child feel heard and accepted, which reduces the need for tantrums as a means of gaining attention.

4. Problem-Solving Skills:

Teach your child problem-solving skills from a young age. When they meet a problem, ask them what they believe will help. Encourage them to come up with answers, even if they are simple, such as taking a break or trying a new method.

5. Create a Calm-Down Space:

Make a unique area in your home a “calm-down corner.” Fill it with soothing materials such as soft cushions, cuddly animals, or sensory toys. Encourage your child to use this area if he or she is feeling overwhelmed.

6. Deep Breathing and Relaxation Techniques:

Simple deep breathing techniques should be taught to your child. Slowly inhale via the nose, hold for a few seconds, then slowly exhale through the mouth. When they are unhappy, this strategy can help them calm down.

7. Encourage Expression through Art:

Art is a wonderful way to convey one’s emotions. Give your child art tools and allow them to express themselves through drawing, painting, or crafting. This might be a nonverbal approach for them to express their feelings.

8. Open Conversations:

Make a comfortable and open setting for addressing feelings. Inquire about your child’s reactions to various settings or occurrences. Encourage children to express how they feel when they are pleased, sad, or angry. During these chats, provide solace and support..

9. Read Emotion-Focused Books:

There are several children’s novels that deal with emotions. Reading such books with your child might help them comprehend various emotions and teach them how to handle them..

10. Be Patient and Consistent:

Emotional control skills development is a continual process. Maintain patience and consistency in your approach. Encourage your child to practise these skills and encourage them that making errors is normal.

You enable your child to handle life’s obstacles and express their feelings in a healthy way by assisting them in developing emotional regulation abilities. These abilities will be useful to them throughout their life, contributing to their emotional well-being and capacity to form good connections.



  1. The Whole-Brain Child :12 Revolutionary Strategies to Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind Available at Amazon by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson – This book provides insights into the science behind tantrums and practical strategies for managing them.
  2. How to Talk So Kids Will Listen & Listen So Kids Will Talk” Available at Amazon by Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish – A classic guide on effective communication with children, including handling difficult emotions and behaviors.
  3. No-Drama Discipline: The Whole-Brain Way to Calm the Chaos and Nurture Your Child’s Developing Mind ” Available at Amazon by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson – Offers strategies for discipline that focus on teaching rather than punishing.


  1. Zero to Three ( This organization provides valuable information on child development, including articles on managing toddler behavior and emotions.
  2. Positive Parenting Solutions ( Offers resources and online courses on positive parenting techniques to manage tantrums and challenging behaviors effectively.
  3. The American Academy of Pediatrics’ website contains a wealth of information on parenting, child development, and behavior management.

Support Groups and Local Resources:

  1. Parenting Classes: Many communities offer parenting classes that can provide in-person guidance and support in dealing with tantrums.
  2. Local Parenting Support Groups: Check with local community centers, schools, or parenting organizations for information on support groups or workshops for parents.
  3. Therapists and Counselors: If your child’s tantrums are particularly challenging, a therapist or child psychologist can provide individualized strategies and support.
  4. Pediatricians: Don’t hesitate to contact your child’s pediatrician for guidance. They can offer advice and may recommend local resources.
  5. Online Parenting Forums: Join online forums and communities of parents who are going through similar experiences. Websites like BabyCenter and What to Expect have active parenting communities.

Remember that coping with tantrums is a normal struggle for parents, and there are several tools to assist you in navigating this stage. You are not alone, and help is easily available, whether you choose books, online, or local support.

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