Simple Book Writing Steps

Simple Book Writing Steps

Simple Book Writing Steps

Simple Book Writing Steps: Writing the book is the most challenging part, not getting it published.  It’s the writing itself.

This article contains 10 steps for writing a book and ten extra steps.

After all, books are not created by themselves. It will help if you devote all your efforts to producing significant work.

I had aspired to be a professional writer for many years. Everyone should have stopped what they were doing and listened to what I had to say.

However, when I analyse what it takes to become a writer, I am surprised at how different the process is from what I thought.

You must do more than sit down and write a book. That’s not how writing works.

You begin with a sentence, then a paragraph, and if you’re lucky, an entire chapter. Writing takes place in bursts, chunks, and pieces. It’s a process.

It is simple to do the task. You begin with one step, then another, and so on.

Looking back on the novels I’ve written, I realise the process was not as glamorous as I had hoped.

simple book writing steps

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How to Publish a Book

I’ll lead you through the fundamental steps of creating a book in this essay. I’ve gone out of my way to make it simple and practical, so you can start immediately.

But first, let’s take a step back and look at the larger picture. What does it take to create a book? It happens in three stages:

The first step is to:

You must start writing right now. This may appear obvious, but it is the process’s most overlooked phase.

Maintaining Motivation:

When you first start writing, you will face self-doubt, overwhelmed, and other challenges. If you plan ahead of time for these problems, you may be confident that you will not give up when they happen.


Nobody cares about the book you almost wrote. We’d be interested in reading the book you finally finished. This implies that your ability to finish a project rather than start one defines you as a writer.

Here are ten basic ideas for each of the three primary phases, plus ten more tips.

Step 1: Get Going

Everyone must begin somewhere. The first four stages of creating a book are as follows:

Determine the book’s subject.

A good piece of writing usually has a topic. Write your book’s argument in a single sentence, then expand it into a paragraph and a one-page outline.

Create a table of contents and divide each chapter into a few sections to help you write.

Consider the beginning, middle, and end of your book. Anything more complex is a dead end.

Set a daily word count goal for yourself and stick to it.

When John Grisham began writing full-time, he was already a successful lawyer and a new father. Despite this, he got up an hour or two early every day to write a page of his manuscript.

After a few years, he finished a novel. A daily page has only about 300 words. You can write a few sentences. You need to write frequently.

Choose a small, attainable goal you can achieve daily to generate momentum.

Make time every day to work on your novel.

Consistency fosters creativity. If you want to take a day off, plan ahead of time.

Never miss a deadline, and don’t be swayed lightly.

If you set a daily deadline and regular writing periods, you won’t have to wonder when you’ll write.

Always write the precise location.

Whether you’re at work, in a restaurant, or at your kitchen table, it makes no difference. It simply must be in a different location than your other activities.

Make your writing space a specific environment so that you are ready to work when you go in.

Start working!

Now it’s time to get to work. The three suggestions below will assist you in finishing the book:

Determine the total number of words.

Start with the end aim in mind. Once you start writing, you must determine the total word count for your project.

Think in ten-thousand-word increments, and divide each chapter into about equal-length sections.

Here are some general guidelines:

Ten thousand words are equal to one pamphlet or white paper. Reading duration ranges between 30 and 60 minutes.

A brief ebook or manifesto is two thousand words long. The Communist Manifesto is a good example, with approximately 18,000 words. Reading time: 1 to 2 hours

The average length of a nonfiction/novella is 40,000-60,000 words. This is demonstrated in the novel The Great Gatsby. Reading time of three to four hours

60,000-80,000 words for a long nonfiction/standard-length book. This category contains the majority of Malcolm Gladwell’s novels. The reading duration is between four and six hours.

Long nonfiction book/novel = 80,000-100,000 words. The four-hour workweek is included in this range.

Epic novel/scholarly book/biography of 100,000 words or more Reading time of six to eight hours. This category includes Steve Jobs’ biography.


Set yourself weekly deadlines.

You must set a weekly target. Make a word count to keep things objective. Celebrate your achievements while being honest about how much work remains.

With a deadline, that’s the only way I can do my work.

Get early feedback

Nothing is more annoying than finishing a book only to rework it because you haven’t shown it to anyone.

Consult some trustworthy advisors to establish what is worth writing. Friends, editors, and family members may be included.

To guarantee you’re on the correct course, try to find someone who will give you honest feedback.


How do you know when you’ve finished a task? The simple answer is no. Not. Make a commitment to publication.

No matter what, finish the book. Make a deadline for yourself or allow one to be set for you. Then broadcast it to the rest of the globe.

Please have it published somehow, whether through a publisher or on Amazon.

Do not store it in a drawer. The worst thing you could do is give up after finishing the book.

Accept defeat.

As you come closer to completing this project, keep in mind that it will be challenging, and you will almost certainly make mistakes. Accept failure and show yourself grace.

Not your unattainable ideal standards, but your resolve to keep going will keep you going.

Make another book

The majority of authors are self-conscious about their first book. I certainly was. However, you must study the first book to learn the lessons you could have missed otherwise.

So, publish your work, fail immediately, and try again. That is the only way to progress. You must practise, which means you must keep writing.

Every author had to start somewhere; for most of them, that someplace was the spare moments in their busy schedules that they could steal to write.

That’s how I got started, and it’s possible that’s how you’ll get started as well. Those who turn up regularly are the ones who achieve. You have the same option as well.

The primary reason why most individuals never complete their books

Every year, millions of books go unfinished. Books that may have assisted individuals brought beauty to the world or supplied wisdom.

However, they were never completed.

Perhaps it has occurred to you as well. You began but never completed a book. You became trapped and couldn’t figure out how to proceed.

Perhaps you finished your novel but were unsure what to do next. Nobody purchased or read it.

I’ve had similar encounters.

Even with a traditional publisher, the first several novels I wrote could have done better. It took me years to understand this, and no one ever told me:

Before you can market your book, you must first write a best-seller.

Many authors sit down to write their masterpieces, thinking that’s the end.

Sit down and start writing. But, after studying the world’s most accomplished and successful authors, I’ve discovered that’s not how the masters do it.

They are more than just sitting down and letting the words flow.

That was never taught to me in English class. Producing something that sells includes more than just producing something you believe is fantastic.

It is all about coming up with an idea that you and your audience are enthusiastic about.

It’s about thinking through the entire process attentively and holding yourself accountable to keep you going.

This is essential.

Because I began writing books, my entire way of life has altered.

It assisted me in organising my thoughts, discovering my writing calling, and opening many doors that led to fulfilling jobs that allowed me to make a difference in the world while supporting my family.

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