wind energy landscape

5 Efficient New Sources of Energy

Our globe is facing an increase in energy demand. This is because new technologies and equipment are being invented daily that require energy to operate and hence improve human life. The world’s ever-growing population has also pushed energy demand beyond its limits.

Various energy sources exist, including fossil fuels (oil, coal, and natural gas), nuclear energy, which is the most efficient and reliable form of energy available, and renewable energy.

These are the most efficient new sources of energy, and they are renewable for two fundamental reasons. First, they are obtained from readily replenishable natural resources. Second, they emit virtually little greenhouse gases.

The rising sophistication of these renewable energy sources will be described in greater detail below.

wind energy landscape5 Efficient New Sources of Energy

  1. Wind

This renewable energy source is highly efficient and environmentally benign. Wind energy may be generated using wind turbines and provides a significant amount of electricity to businesses and residential facilities. Its average effectiveness is around 30% but can reach up to 50% [1].

Although wind energy is weather-dependent, when there is excess wind, a turbine will not spin, which implies that no energy will be generated because the generator is not driven. Wind energy is extremely efficient if you have the space and a breezy location to install a field of huge turbines.

Over 60% of wind energy’s production and operational costs are associated with wind turbine installation. The primary components are steel, copper, and concrete, all of which are abundant. This reduces wind energy’s cost in comparison to other forms of electricity.

  1. Water ( Hydroelectric)

For decades, the globe has relied on this source of energy. Global hydropower capacity reached 1,308 gigawatts in 2019 [3]. Hydropower is used to create electricity by utilities worldwide because it is easy to store, inexpensive to dispatch, and produces electricity without the need for fossil fuels. It does not emit pollutants in the same manner that fossil fuels such as natural gas or coal do.

Moving water energy (rivers, streams, and ocean tides) accounts for 7% of electrical output. Dams erected on rivers generate hydroelectricity by harnessing the flow of water.

After generating power, it is distributed to homes and businesses via transmission lines. Despite its excellent efficiency and reliability, hydroelectricity contributes significantly to river pollution and the annihilation of aquatic life. Additionally, drought can affect the production of hydroelectricity in rain-fed rivers.

  1. Solar

EZi SolarThe sun is a naturally occurring energy source that produces enough energy to meet the world’s energy demand, making solar energy generation one of the most rapidly commercial renewable energy sources. Solar energy can be generated by harnessing the sun’s rays. It is completely pollution-free and is suitable for both household and business use. Solar panels are extremely simple to maintain; most panels come with a 25-year warranty. The only disadvantage of solar energy is that it is weather-dependent due to its reliance on sunshine.

  1. Geothermal

Another renewable energy source is geothermal energy (heat from the earth). Natural hot water exists beneath the earth’s surface at various depths and temperatures. By drilling deep wells of a mile or more into these subsurface reserves, steam is brought to the surface of the earth for use in electricity generation, cooling, heating, and other direct uses.

The Geysers contain the largest concentration of geothermal facilities. The Northern California geothermal field augments its water supply by utilising recovered wastewater. Geothermal energy does not require fuel, which makes it less susceptible to fluctuations in fuel prices; however, capital costs, notably drilling costs and the considerable financial risk associated with locating reliable geothermal sources, are its primary issue.

  1. Nuclear energy

nuclear energyThis energy is generated by a process known as nuclear fission. A nuclear reactor generates more energy than other nonrenewable energy sources. Nuclear energy has by far the highest capacity factor of 93 per cent during the year [4]. Nuclear power facilities are simple to maintain and can operate for an extended period without refuelling. According to the capacity factor, two coal or three renewable energy facilities of one gigawatt each must replace one nuclear reactor’s output of one gigawatt.

Although various new energy sources have been developed, the ones listed above are the most efficient and effective. These new energy sources can meet our energy needs while significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions.


[1] Pryor, S.C., Barthelmie, R.J. & Shepherd, T.J. (2020). 20% of US electricity from wind will have limited impacts on system efficiency and regional climate. Sci Rep 10, 541. 

[2] Mckenna, Russell & Leye, P. & Fichtner, Wolf. (2016). Key challenges, prospects for large wind turbines. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 53. 1212-1221. 10.1016/j.rser.2015.09.080.

[3] Statista. (2020). Cumulative hydropower and pumped storage installed capacity worldwide from 2014 to 2019

[4] Energy.Gov. (2020). Nuclear Power is the Most Reliable Energy Source, and It’s Not Close.

Environmental Management Agency

Eco-Friendly Living Suggestions for Beginners

We all have the option of living sustainably indefinitely without harming our environment or depleting its resources. Green living attempts to create a healthy environment by adopting environmentally conscious choices in our daily lives. What do we acquire? What do we consume? How do we get around? How do we use and dispose of materials?

Recently, the desire to balance the environment has increased in response to a growing understanding of the negative consequences of destabilisation. You are the catalyst for change! Are you interested in joining the crew of those dedicated to making the world a better place? Let’s examine how you can contribute to environmental stewardship.

Reduce Your Energy Consumption

Work requires energy. However, during operation, it is transformed from one state to another. For example, the energy contained in dams is converted into electricity that is delivered to homes and businesses. When you turn on a light bulb in your home, the electrical energy instantly converts to heat radiated by the bulb, except during the winter, when heat is a hindrance. Avoid leaving appliances in sleep mode, as this does not stop the flow of electricity [1].

Switch it off completely to save money. You can also replace all bulbs with energy-efficient ones. Continuous usage of equipment such as generators releases carbon dioxide, which contributes to global warming. The amount of carbon dioxide emitted by autos will decrease if we drive them less frequently.

Planning a Family

The human population has a significant impact on the planet’s future appearance. Other precautions to maintain a green lifestyle will be ineffective if the population continues to grow. Each day, we eat, work, and move around. This type of activity affects the environment. That is why you should have a limited number of children. Adding another person entails completing those actions for the remainder of one’s life.

Overpopulation can result in widespread disease, fierce competition, and, in the event of hunger or drought, even death.

Avoid Consuming Animal Products

Animals consume a greater amount of water than vegetation. Additionally, they release waste that has an undesirable odour into the environment. Therefore, if you’re currently interested in agriculture, Aurora farming is your best bet. A fascinating truth about keeping plants is that they contribute to the supply of oxygen we breathe. As a result of our efforts toward a greener lifestyle, we earn something in return.

Inspect Every Product You Purchase

Nowadays, most items are synthetic, and some contain substances derived from dangerous chemicals. Farmers, for example, spray pesticides on cotton to eliminate pests and viruses. Clothing made from this sort of cotton may have an adverse effect on the owner’s skin. Similarly, certain cleaning and personal care products include potentially harmful chemicals. Examine the required item’s composition. Fortunately, internet shopping websites now include a section dedicated to green products.

Management of Waste

Waste contributes to the appearance of an untidy environment and provides an environment conducive to the growth of pathogenic bacteria, pests, and vectors. If the breeding location of the disease’s carriers remains active, we may develop diseases such as cholera, malaria, or typhoid. Traditional trash disposal techniques include burning and burying. Technological advancements enable the recycling of garbage or the conversion of biodegradable materials to harmless substances.

Subscribe an Affiliation With Softcopy Files

You must opt-in to receive digital resources. Request soft copies of content rather than hard copies. Too much paper is a waste. This sustainable strategy is the simplest for novices to implement. Commercial enterprises understand the value of softcopy in an eco-friendly setting. That is why we receive approximately 80% of communications via email. Conducting business online is secure, and there are no pest attacks.

Restore Items

Disposing of items is not eco-friendly. Instead, focus on repairing what is broken. Is your television malfunctioning? Search engines are readily available to provide information on a possible solution. The internet enables virtually any subject to be learned. However, if you are unsure, consult a professional.

Each choice you make affects everyone. The generation before us made choices that resulted in the depletion of the ecosystem. What will be in the future is determined by our choices today. Eco-green life aims to maximise the use of existing resources. This obligation to live an eco-friendly lifestyle may appear onerous, but it is well worth it.

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